4.1 Islam Started as Strange

The Prophet ﷺ said:

"Islam began as something strange, and it will return to being strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers." (Muslim)

Islam has always stood out. From the time of the Prophet ﷺ, Muslims have been seen as “different” because we follow a path based on faith, morality, and submission to Allah. If you feel like you’re standing alone, you are actually part of a long tradition of strong believers.

Think of the Prophet ﷺ himself—he faced extreme opposition in Makkah. People called him a liar, mocked him, and even tried to harm him, simply because he was spreading the truth. But did he give in? No. He remained patient, and eventually, Islam spread across the world.

4.2 People Will Challenge Your Faith

Some people might question, mock, or challenge your beliefs. They may ask:

  • “Why do you pray five times a day?”

  • “Why do you wear hijab?”

  • “Why don’t you listen to music, party, or date?”

It can feel frustrating when people don’t understand, but Allah tells us:

"And never will the Jews or the Christians be pleased with you until you follow their way." (Qur'an 2:120)

This doesn’t mean we should hate others—it simply reminds us that people who don’t follow Islam will never fully agree with Islamic values. Society will always try to make you compromise your faith in small ways.

4.3 The Reward of Patience

Allah promises:

"Indeed, Allah is with the patient." (Qur'an 2:153)

Every time you resist temptation, every time you hold onto your faith despite pressure, Allah is recording it.

Imagine this: On the Day of Judgment, Allah shows you all the times you stood firm, and because of your patience, you receive a reward greater than you ever imagined.